
17 oz Insulated Bivo Trio Mini

21 oz Insulated Bivo Trio

21 oz Non-Insulated Bivo One

25 oz Non-Insulated Bivo Duo

Bivo Collaborations


We started Bivo with the hope of creating a better bottle. One that would allow others the chance to drink out of less plastic, that would last longer, function better and in the end be healthier for both people and the planet. Did we accomplish it?
Spring is in! We are beyond excited about the chance to launch two new colors in our flagship style the Bivo One. If you are looking to add a little more color to your cycling adventures this spring please check out Fire and Lavender.
We are two months in from our launch in December 2020. Among many things we have been having a lot of fun, learning tons and getting some great feedback on our bottles! We cannot thank all of our early supporters enough for their ongoing support in helping us bring a smarter, healthier performance cycling bottle to the world.

The wait is over. After more than 18 months launch day is finally here. We are beyond happy to announce that our first product, the Bivo One, is live on our website and bottles are shipping to customers.

We are back and excited to announce that we are shipping product the 2nd week of December!! The Bivo One, a smarter, healthier performance cycling bottle will be hitting the world just before the holidays. 

Two weeks after what was supposed to be our launch of Bivo we find ourselves back in the all too familiar mode of problem solving. Why you might ask … we had the unforeseen and slightly dramatic (yes, tears were shed) experience of finding a production issue on our first batch of bottles.
While cross country skiing on a weekend in March 2018, we took a sip out of our drink belts (shout out to Nordic skiers!). What we tasted was plastic! We stopped and asked ourselves; why do we drink out of plastic while exercising but wouldn't even consider doing so during other times of our day? 

We wanted to drink out of less plastic. So, we designed a performance stainless-steel cycling water bottle with a flow rate fit for cyclists. Quench responsibly.