Today is Women Led Wednesday and I’m proud to represent Bivo as a woman led business. When I first entered the professional world, I didn’t think much about the fact that I mostly worked with men. Growing up – whether I was working on the roof with my dad (not my favorite job, sorry dad…), training with a group of friends or setting out to live abroad – I never felt inferior because I was a woman. I was really lucky to grow up with two parents who never made me feel otherwise. I was also really lucky to be surrounded by a community that constantly lifted me up as an athlete (not just as a female athlete).

I have realized as I get older that there is a lot that we have backwards, and the lack of respect and support for women is something we have gotten wrong. I have two children; a four year old daughter and a one year old son. When my daughter was born, I felt a responsibility to show her how to be a strong woman. When my son was born, I felt an even bigger sense of responsibility to raise a man who treats women as equal.
As I grow with Bivo and as I grow as a mother through the different phases of my children’s lives, I realize more and more how hard it is to be a good leader and a good mom. Our system isn’t set up to accommodate two working parents and this is causing many women to fall off their career paths. During COVID, close to two million women have left the workforce. We don’t have the support we need to keep working and raise our children. We are at a critical point to continue lifting women up. It’s inspiring to read the stories of all the other women who have gone out on a limb and started their own business. Check out and find your next favorite brand.
Thanks for your continued support,
Photo credits are deserved!
For main header: Megan Hannah (@hannahphotography_vt), thanks Megan!
For the amazing shot of our WS account manager, Izzy Johnson: Molly Cameron (@themollycameron), thanks Molly!
For the shot of me working on colors: Pavlina Summers (@pavsum). She's also the woman behind the camera on all the beautiful colorful product shots we love, thank you Pav!
And finally, the shot of me riding my bike, we can thank my husband, Robby Ringer for that one. Thanks Robby - you're an amazing partner.
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