
17 oz Insulated Bivo Trio Mini

21 oz Insulated Bivo Trio

21 oz Non-Insulated Bivo One

25 oz Non-Insulated Bivo Duo

Bivo Collaborations

New Colors and Stronger Coating with Adam Morse

You probably know by now that we love color. But when we saw this new gray on our bottle, we hemmed and hawed and finally said, "ok, we just have to make it." So grab your bright kit and take this new gray for a ride! 

Speaking of taking a ride, our friend, Adam Morse took the gray for quite a long one in Mexico.  He and his partner, Hannah, took a trip to Oaxaca to ride the desert trails and he said "this place really has us hooked. It's all around thumbs up." Adam told us the most notable thing about Oaxaca is the biodiversity. Up at 10,800 feet, there are 80 foot pine trees. As you descend down to the city at 5,500 feet, there are small cacti and shrubs. The soil changes significantly too, making for some dusty and muddy conditions.
Adam lives down the street (and up the trail, seriously, he lives in a cabin on a pretty awesome mountain bike trail) from our office and it's fair to say that any product he tests gets put through the wringer. He was one of the first to test our prototypes prior to our launch and was the first we called when we figured out a way to get our coating 2X stronger. He is a big fan of the coated bottles for their performance so uses them every time he rides. He swung by the office yesterday and the report is that they are, indeed, much stronger. The grey bottle on the right below is after 200 miles in the desert full of mud and sand. Compared to the Raspberry bottle on the left which was used in the same cage for ~1000 miles. Big mileage difference for sure, but you can see the coating is holding up really well.  While we know some of you enjoy the stories you remember from a certain scratch on your bottle, we know others of you will be happy to preserve the look of the beautiful, unscathed bottle for a while longer now. 

2 Responses



March 02, 2023

Hi Dice! Thanks for your question! All the new colors have the updated coating and we are rolling out the update on our existing colors soon. We will make an announcement when that happens as well. Cheers! Carina

Dice Y

Dice Y

March 02, 2023

Are all the current colored bottles using this new coating? Or just the grey or select colors? If they are in the pipeline, when can we expect them in your web shop? I was hesitant about your coated bottles before (love your SS versions!), but had always wanted to try them. I will definitely order some once the more durable coating is available!

Thanks for the update.

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