
17 oz Insulated Bivo Trio Mini

21 oz Insulated Bivo Trio

21 oz Non-Insulated Bivo One

25 oz Non-Insulated Bivo Duo

Bivo Collaborations

It's Time to Bundle!

Back by popular demand! Last year we kicked off our holiday bundle gift pack idea and you all loved them! Today, we are bringing them back! We created two great pairings that include 2 free dust caps and free shipping (within in the US) that we think you will love:


Bundle 01- Trio Mini Raw, Bivo One Violet and 2 Violet Dust Caps

Bundle 02- Trio True Blue, Duo Mini and 2 Black Dust Caps

Get both bottles for yourself, give one away or outfit your friend’s new bike with two new Bivo bottles! Beyond the bike, we have had some great comments recently about how you are all using your Bivo bottles that we wanted to share. Perhaps you'll find a new way to use and love your Bivo. 

  • In the car! Honestly, one of the best use cases. It’s so nice to drink out of a Bivo while driving. There are no concerns for spilling when hitting the bumps in the road!
  • A dress bottle and a bike bottle. That is one of our newest favorites. We recently met an editor who told us she has her bottles she uses for the bike and a special “dress” bottle she takes everywhere else. We love that so much. Thanks Peggy 😘
  • Middle of the night hydrating. We all get thirsty in the middle of the night! And a quick sip from a Bivo bottle instead of a glass is quite nice. Don’t forget to close the nozzle! Speaking from LOTS of experience here, Nolan, our son, is currently loving to wake us up in the middle of the night....
  • Sharing with your dog. While some dogs run away from our flow rate, many of them love it! And while we love dogs, we also love that we don’t need their slobber on our bottles to quench their thirst.
  • Your kid. Seriously, probably one of the biggest comments we get is “I have to get another one because my kid stole mine!” We find that kids love drinking out of Bivo bottles. Just make sure they know how to close it. We find that adding a dust cap to the bottle is a good reminder for kids to close the nozzle. That at least worked with our 5 year old daughter. No more soggy backpacks!

While these are five highlights from our tales through customer service, events and friends, Bivo bottles are loved from the bike to the desk to the tops of mountains and on the way to work. We find that once you get used to the drinking experience, it’s hard to go back! We love to hear favorite use cases, so please comment below to share yours!


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