
17 oz Insulated Bivo Trio Mini

21 oz Insulated Bivo Trio

21 oz Non-Insulated Bivo One

25 oz Non-Insulated Bivo Duo

Bivo Collaborations

Richmond Mountain Trails

The sun is out here in Vermont! And the town of Richmond is bustling with mountain bikers, gravel riders, trail runners and walkers enjoying the 40+ miles of single track trails out our front doors. I am feeling particularly grateful of the Richmond Mountain Trails lately as spring (and summer! it's warm!) has sprung in Vermont. The amount of green in this Green Mountain State is rather insane. Vermont is really putting on a good show right now. I love to ride bikes but I also really love to run and the river trail from town is my favorite spot at the moment. It’s full of ferns. HUGE ferns that have a wonderful smell and cushion the trail from outside noise.

Robby has been riding the trails at Chamberlain and Cochran’s, proudly beating his times up the climbs from last year now that our son has started to sleep and allows us to exercise a little more regularly. And we just took our daughter for her first mountain bike ride on the same river trail I love to run. Our town is also our playground and we are so happy to have chosen Richmond as our home.

This year, we allocated a portion of our Bivo Fund to go to the Richmond Mountain Trails. They coordinate with local land owners and volunteers to maintain and build new trails. They allocated some of their budget to the pump track at the elementary school so more kids can get on bikes. They built a new trail network (with 1600 volunteer hours!) around Bolton called the Driving Range that has adaptive-friendly trails and is set to open this summer. We are so grateful for the work they do and the impact they have on this community. As a thanks for helping make Richmond so awesome, we are so happy to donate to Richmond Mountain Trails. If you ever come through Richmond, we’d love for you to stop in our office (65 Millet St!) and we can point you in the right direction to the amazing trail network they manage.

If you ride, run or walk in Richmond, you can become a Richmond Mountain Trails through VMBA (select RMT as your chapter). They direct ~90% of membership dollars to chapters throughout the state of Vermont. 

Cheers, and THANK YOU, Richmond Mountain Trails!


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