
17 oz Insulated Bivo Trio Mini

21 oz Insulated Bivo Trio

21 oz Non-Insulated Bivo One

25 oz Non-Insulated Bivo Duo

Bivo Collaborations

Do Bivo Nozzles Freeze?

Whelp, the cold weather has finally settled across the US as many of us winter lovers were anxiously awaiting true January conditions. Snow fell in Vermont and the team has been out for backcountry and Nordic sessions and we are all loving it. 

BUT, it’s coooooold! And we have noticed many of you using your Bivo Trios in these cold temps to keep water warm, or simply just to keep water from freezing! It has been so fun to see your posts on social media calling Bivo out for keeping you a little warmer and hydrated in these cold temps. 

We do get the question a lot – do your nozzles freeze in the cold temps? When optimizing the flow of water, we when for a nozzle that allows for a super open, straight path of water. There are a few benefits of this:

1) Easy to clean (the bottles completely pull apart for easy cleaning, and the open nozzle makes it hard to collect gunk!) Here's a video on how to clean your Bivo, which you want to do more often than you probably are - just google "reusable water bottles toilet seats" and you will find out why. Good thing Bivo bottles are dishwasher safe! 

2) High flow for effortless hydration (21 oz in 8.5 seconds, woah!)

3) The nozzle doesn’t freeze!! We find that even the non-insulated bottles do well in cold temps – think -4F for an hour-long Nordic ski with no freezing. But cycling is a bit colder so if you’re in the below 0 F temps, go for the insulated bottles and you won’t have a problem. When my dad, long time Nordic skier and cold weather lover, learned about this benefit, he told me we really need to market that. He used to turn his plastic bottles upside down in his water bottle holder to keep the nozzle from freezing. So, dad, this one is for you!

Thanks for all your cheers and support!


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