
17 oz Insulated Bivo Trio Mini

21 oz Insulated Bivo Trio

21 oz Non-Insulated Bivo One

25 oz Non-Insulated Bivo Duo

Bivo Collaborations

Performance Hydration - What Does That Even Mean?!

What the hell is performance hydration? It’s a new thing, that we kind of created without even knowing we were doing it. We wanted to drink out of less plastic and make something that lasted longer. I hate the taste of plastic, and quite frankly, have always thought if tasted bad, it couldn’t be good for us.

So we made Bivo. And we had a problem – the water needed to come out quickly and easily, even without being able to squeeze it. We (Peter, Robby, me, Mark, Danny, Kristina, Casey) to figure out how we could possibly get water out of our bottles. What came out of that process was a Gravity Flow patented system. There are so many benefits that exist that we weren’t even thinking about. It’s fast – super fast. And there is no air in the water. You can use one hand. And the craziest part is that you don’t lose a breath while drinking. Think about sucking water and air while you are breathing hard. It’s actually a challenge. We have all gotten used to it because it’s all we had - but when you don’t have to suck and water just pours out, it’s a luxury that we never even knew we needed. So while it seems silly to think about performance hydration, it’s a real thing. Ben Ogden (pro Nordic skier) is even going to use a Bivo bottle for feeds mid-race because it’s the easiest mechanism he can drink out of. Jody Wilson, our 100th follower and now friend, was the first one who pointed out you don’t lose a breath while breathing hard. So don’t just take it from us, it’s real and it's kind of cool!

Cheers, Carina

What do you think about the fast flow? We love hearing from you in comments below! 

2 Responses

Alani Warren

Alani Warren

January 06, 2024

Alani Warren

Ariah Leal

Ariah Leal

January 06, 2024

Ariah Leal

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