Let's circle back, let's get personal.
Carina and I think the timing is right to circle back to the beginning, to restart the conversation, to get personal, to share our stories, and to dive deep into who we are and what makes us tick at Bivo.
Why are we doing this? Simply put, because from the very beginning our goal was to create a business in an industry that we loved and a product that people desire. We wanted it to give us the opportunity to create connections with people, brands, and communities. Our hope was that we could create something more than a product that would merge our passions and work. Plus, we think we can do a better job at telling our story than we have to date.
For those of you that recently purchased your first Bivo and are taking the first sip … thank you for trusting us and believing in what we are all about! We plan to dig into some details that you likely didn’t know (i.e. did you know your nozzle can pop out for easy cleaning?!)

What’s Next? Carina and I will be jumping into the narrative as we move forward. It may be a blog, a more personal IG post, a story, a newsletter, or something we haven’t even dreamed up yet.
Thank you all for being here and supporting what our team is trying to accomplish at Bivo!
Quench Responsibly, Robby – Bivo Co-Founder
Patrick D Guy
January 06, 2024
Hi Robby I purchased a bottle from You when you were in Boulder @ Boulder Rez.
I love it and use it all the time.
It continues to leak on me thur the vent and I have to readjust my nipple. What am I doing wrong or
is it malfunctioning? What do you think?
Thanks, Patrick patguy56@gmail.com