
17 oz Insulated Bivo Trio Mini

21 oz Insulated Bivo Trio

21 oz Non-Insulated Bivo One

25 oz Non-Insulated Bivo Duo

Bivo Collaborations

Bivo Chug Challenge

At Bivo, our team is made up of a bunch of retired athletes with more competitive spirit than sense. And, recently, we've been itching for a little competition.

So, we're bringing you a fun challenge to attempt with your friends and your favorite water bottle: the Bivo Chug Challenge! Because why let our glory days fade into oblivion when we can chug water like there's no tomorrow?

Here's the rundown of the challenge:

  • Recruit your squad of 3, preferably those who can chug water like it's an Olympic sport.
  • Arm each teammate with their favorite water bottle, filled to the brim with 21 oz of water
  • One by one, chug your bottle (lid must be on)
  • We double-dog dare you to beat our time 
  • Time yourselves, video the madness
  • Once you've recovered from a serious amount of water, post your victorious (or more likely, not-so-victorious) efforts and tag us
  • Tag us on Instagram and use #BivoChugChallenge to get stickers 
  • The first 5 teams to beat Bivo's time of 26 seconds win laser engraved Bivos
  • Fill out this Google form for a chance to claim some friendly winner or loser stickers :) 

The Bivo HQ team completed the challenge one chilly morning at the local track. The three competitors that day were Robby, Sam, and Charlotte. Tragically, Carina and I had been eliminated days prior for being too slow. So, that day, we were part of the filming and cheering crew.

Robby, Sam and Charlotte finished chugging with a collective time of 26 seconds even! Below is footage of their race:

Some answers to some common questions: 

  1. No, your team does not have to use Bivo bottles. But if you want to beat us, you probably should. 
  2. If your bottle holds 22 oz, just fill with 21 oz.
  3. Do not attempt this more than one time per day - we don’t want you drinking too much water. 

Best of luck!! 

#BivoChugChallenge #BetYaCantBeatBivo

1 Response

Jaab Veskijkul

Jaab Veskijkul

April 11, 2024

Watch me beat this record!!!!!! #BivoChugChallenge ACCEPTED

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