17 oz Insulated Bivo Trio Mini

21 oz Insulated Bivo Trio

21 oz Non-Insulated Bivo One

25 oz Non-Insulated Bivo Duo

Bivo Collaborations

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Our Best Sellers

In the news

What others are saying about us!

Bivo Co-Founder Carinal Hamel Disrupting the Water Bottle Industry in Bicycling Magazine
Bivo Co-Founder Carinal Hamel Disrupting the Water Bottle Industry in Bicycling Magazine

"The woman disrupting the cycling water bottle industry" - Bicycling.com

Bivo Co-Founder Carina Hamel Interviewed on the Feisty Podcast
Bivo Co-Founder Carina Hamel Interviewed on the Feisty Podcast

" Performance, parenthood, and entrepreneurship" - Feisty Women's Podcast

"Spotlight: The Bivo Trio insulated water bottle really brings the heat" - Velo

James Huang Loves Our Bivo Trio over the others
James Huang Loves Our Bivo Trio over the others

"Bivo vs Camelbak: Who makes the best insulated water bottle" - Escape Collective

Whenever mountain biking friends want to come to Vermont, they ask about the Kingdom Trails. And rightly so. The KTA has built and maintains over 100+ miles of trails. But the KTA is not the only place in Vermont with destination-worthy mountain biking. Peggy shares suggestions of the best places to go mountain biking in Vermont for everyone from beginners to advanced riders.
We’re launching a new collab bike bottle with Vermont Mountain Bike Association (VMBA). VMBA has made mountain biking in Vermont what it is today, so we interviewed Adam Morse, director of a VMBA chapter Fellowship of the Wheel for his take on how VMBA and its chapters support the mountain biking community.
Interested in learning how to bikepack? Ali Becker shares stories from her first big bikepacking adventure and some tips for others so you can feel confident and get ready for your first bikepacking trip.
